Measurement and Evaluation: Empowering Communications and PR with Valuable Data

Measurement and Evaluation: Empowering Communications and PR with Valuable Data

For as long as mass media has existed, there has always been an interest in measuring the audience’s consumption of content and advertising campaigns.

Over time, this interest has become a need and with the dawn of the digital age, measurement has adapted to capture and analyse an ever-increasing amount of data - the metrics themselves have also changed and aspects such as engagement are an essential part of holistic media analyses nowadays.

Particularly in PR and communication, measurement is a central topic. The international association for the measurement and evaluation of communication, AMEC, dedicates an entire month to focus on best practices and emerging trends in communication measurement and evaluation so professionals can keep up with changes in the field.

Key Metrics in Comm Measurement

There are metrics that are very widespread among professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of communication, such as media coverage, social media engagement, sentiment or share of voice. Still, there is no total consensus and in most cases metrics depend on the level of communication.

There are specific metrics that fit specific communication objectives. For example, if the objective is for a brand to increase its earned media share, it will be necessary to keep track of media coverage utilizing a media monitoring solution. If, on the other hand, the objective is to influence audience perception on a specific topic with a message, then additional questionnaires and/or interviews will be necessary to measure the actual impact of a campaign.

Integrated Measurement Strategies

However, the PR and communications industry seems to agree on the need for integrated measurement strategies. So, in order to stay ahead of the game and be able to make well-informed decisions, solutions are required that take both traditional and digital metrics into account.

This point is fundamental because the landscape in which we live and in which the audience moves is strongly influenced by digital media such as blogs, online news, social media, etc. Yet, these sources are not a substitute for traditional media, they coexist with radio, television, print & co.

Here, an integrated measurement approach like the one provided by the eMM Dart platform, offers a more comprehensive view on communication efforts. eMM offers automated, 24/7 real-time monitoring of more than 3.400 TV and radio channels in addition to thousands of web TV, online press, podcast, and social TV sources. This makes it possible to measure the effectiveness/efficiency of balanced strategies that reach more people and strengthen a brand’s position.

Emerging Trends in Comms Measurement

Along with integrated measurement strategies, it is important to look at new trends and innovations in measurement, which are influenced by global developments:

  • AI-based technologies are the new way forward as they make it possible to analyze large databases and discover more insights than ever before.
  • Sentiment analysis gives quantitative data a qualitative aspect - it’s not just about the number of mentions or impressions but about the perception of the media or audience.
  • Analytic reports and graphs offer a much easier way to understand large amounts of data and improve data analysis and communication.

The entire PR and communications industry has to keep an eye on these trends. Professionals have to be at the forefront of these developments in order to be able to effectively measure, evaluate and improve their strategies.

Top solutions ensure that professionals always have access to the most advanced tools. eMM is committed to continuous innovation and as a pioneer in the industry, we are constantly developing our products to translate current tech trends into user-friendly features.

Through the targeted use of AI and technologies such as speech-to-text or NLP (natural language processing), we are able to offer one of the most advanced solutions in the industry. If you are also looking for continuous progress in measurement and evaluation and would like to experience the user-friendly eMM platform for yourself, contact us:

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